
AARC President Salvatore shares his goals with the membership

AARC Congress 2014 Gazette - AARC President Frank Salvatore MBA RRT FAARC addressed the Annual Business Meeting, outlining his vision for his 2-year term in office.

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Screen for COPD

24 million Americans have COPD, but 12 million do not know that they have it. Are you one of the missing millions? Please take this 5 question risk screener --- it takes less than a minute to find out if you are at risk for COPD.


RCSW Public Awareness

This year, the RCSW had 38 volunteers sign up at the RCSW State meeting in Spokane to help promote lung health, raise awareness of Respiratory Therapists and the RCSW.  Thank you for your support!

September coincides with World Spirometry Day and Healthy Lungs for Life promoted by the European Respiratory Society and European Lung Foundation.  We thought this is a good time to solicite our volunteers to begin to help out.


Linda Wilson, the RCSW Public Awareness Committee Chairperson, has scheduled one day at the Washington State Fair - Do the Puyallup - September 11, 2014 9 AM to 10 PM and needs about 8-10 volunteers to open and close - each shift will be 2 hours.  There will be a free ticket to the fair and free parking. Email Linda - ldwilson@uw.edu if you can volunteer. The RCSW has been at the fair the last three years and it has been a fun event for all that have participated.  Last year we screened over 450 for COPD, we got to hang out with other RT’s, and we promoted our profession and knowledge.

Our goals this year are to plan at least one event in each RCSW chapter that promotes lung health and education to the general public.  We are asking volunteers to take the initiative!! This could be at a local Saturday market, a fair, or at a hospital. You could offer spirometry, how to use an inhaler, stop smoking advice, or just screen the general public for COPD.  Supplies can be ordered through the AARC.  Feel Free to email Linda - ldwilson@uw.edu to assist in the planning. 


How AARC Membership Can Help You

We all have a busy life outside of work, but that’s where RCSW and AARC membership can help. They assist you to be the best respiratory therapist you can be—and can help you build your career—so you can take care of all of the other stuff in your life.  

When you join the AARC and your membership address is in the state of Washington, you automatically become a member of the RCSW.

Join or renew today.


AARC Sputum Bowl

Thanks to a new category being dubbed “Renegade Teams,” anyone who assembles a Sputum Bowl team of AARC members from a single state can apply to bring their team to Vegas. Teams must apply before August 29th!

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Support HR 2619 The “Medicare Respiratory Therapist Access Act” 

The AARC’s Virtual Lobby Week has been a success! Well over 20,000 emails from respiratory therapists, patients, and caregivers and friends of the profession were sent to all Members of Congress asking for support of HR 2619 theMedicare Respiratory Therapist Access Act.

The RCSW had a successful trip to DC.  We visited every delegation and both Senate offices and we had very positive energy from all of the offices. We had 73 people send letters before we went to DC but we have over 2,000 licensees in Washington.  Please spread the word.

It is critical that we remind and educate Members of Congress and their staffs on the value of respiratory therapists as experts in the delivery of pulmonary self-management education and training services for Medicare beneficiaries who have been diagnosed with COPD, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis and cystic fibrosis. This is absolutely necessary if we are to assure that these pulmonary patients have access to respiratory therapists in the physician practice setting.

How to be Heard? (It's easy!)
Email your members of Congress (here's how)
Call your members of Congress (here's how)

Why HR 2619 is Important

Summary of Cost Estimate for HR 2619
Why Congress Should Co-Sponsor and Support HR 2619
Talking Points for Hill Briefings
Frequently Asked Questions on HR 2619


The Political Advocacy Contact Team are individuals that have been appointed by their state respiratory therapy societies to be the key contacts for lobbying federal and state legislative issues.


WSDOH Revising Continuing Education Requirements Rules for Licensure 

The Washington State Department of Health has been revising the continuing education requirements rules that apply to a Respiratory Care Practitioner license. They are presently in the public comment phase. 


Draft of Continuing Education Rule

This initial draft incorporates input received from all participating interested persons and the DOH Program Manager is now soliciting for public comments and suggestions.  

Feel free to review the draft and submit any comments or suggestions by April 15, 2014.  You can contact the Program Manager either by email at Susan.Gragg@DOH.WA.GOV, by fax to 360-236-4941, or in writing to the address below:

Susan Gragg, Program Manager
Department of Health
·  Respiratory Care Practitioner Program
111 Israel Road SE, Tumwater, WA  98501
PO Box 47852, Olympia, WA  98504-7852
Phone:  (360) 236-4941
FAX:  (360) 236-2901
email:  susan.gragg@doh.wa.gov


The Political Advocacy Contact Team are individuals that have been appointed by their state respiratory therapy societies to be the key contacts for lobbying federal and state legislative issues.


Photo End User License


2014 RCSW Night with The Mariners July 26th





RCSW Advanced Degree Scholarship Applications Due March 7th

The Respiratory Care Society of Washington will be awarding student scholarships this year to Washington State Respiratory Care Practitioners who are currently enrolled in Bachelors, Masters or Doctoral Programs.

To receive an application please, contact:
Bob Bonner, RCSW Scholarship Committee

Applications are due March 7, 2014


RCSW 2014 Nomination/Volunteer Information

The RCSW needs you! Would you like to become involved with the RCSW or do you know someone who would? Would you like to run for an office or volunteer to help out in the RCSW? Or just talk to someone about the requirements of office or obligations? Please feel free to email Fred Goglia for more information.

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