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Support HR 2619 The “Medicare Respiratory Therapist Access Act” 

The AARC’s Virtual Lobby Week has been a success! Well over 20,000 emails from respiratory therapists, patients, and caregivers and friends of the profession were sent to all Members of Congress asking for support of HR 2619 theMedicare Respiratory Therapist Access Act.

The RCSW had a successful trip to DC.  We visited every delegation and both Senate offices and we had very positive energy from all of the offices. We had 73 people send letters before we went to DC but we have over 2,000 licensees in Washington.  Please spread the word.

It is critical that we remind and educate Members of Congress and their staffs on the value of respiratory therapists as experts in the delivery of pulmonary self-management education and training services for Medicare beneficiaries who have been diagnosed with COPD, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis and cystic fibrosis. This is absolutely necessary if we are to assure that these pulmonary patients have access to respiratory therapists in the physician practice setting.

How to be Heard? (It's easy!)
Email your members of Congress (here's how)
Call your members of Congress (here's how)

Why HR 2619 is Important

Summary of Cost Estimate for HR 2619
Why Congress Should Co-Sponsor and Support HR 2619
Talking Points for Hill Briefings
Frequently Asked Questions on HR 2619


The Political Advocacy Contact Team are individuals that have been appointed by their state respiratory therapy societies to be the key contacts for lobbying federal and state legislative issues.