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WSDOH Revising Continuing Education Requirements Rules for Licensure 

The Washington State Department of Health has been revising the continuing education requirements rules that apply to a Respiratory Care Practitioner license. They are presently in the public comment phase. 


Draft of Continuing Education Rule

This initial draft incorporates input received from all participating interested persons and the DOH Program Manager is now soliciting for public comments and suggestions.  

Feel free to review the draft and submit any comments or suggestions by April 15, 2014.  You can contact the Program Manager either by email at Susan.Gragg@DOH.WA.GOV, by fax to 360-236-4941, or in writing to the address below:

Susan Gragg, Program Manager
Department of Health
·  Respiratory Care Practitioner Program
111 Israel Road SE, Tumwater, WA  98501
PO Box 47852, Olympia, WA  98504-7852
Phone:  (360) 236-4941
FAX:  (360) 236-2901
email:  susan.gragg@doh.wa.gov


The Political Advocacy Contact Team are individuals that have been appointed by their state respiratory therapy societies to be the key contacts for lobbying federal and state legislative issues.


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