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RCSW Public Awareness

This year, the RCSW had 38 volunteers sign up at the RCSW State meeting in Spokane to help promote lung health, raise awareness of Respiratory Therapists and the RCSW.  Thank you for your support!

September coincides with World Spirometry Day and Healthy Lungs for Life promoted by the European Respiratory Society and European Lung Foundation.  We thought this is a good time to solicite our volunteers to begin to help out.


Linda Wilson, the RCSW Public Awareness Committee Chairperson, has scheduled one day at the Washington State Fair - Do the Puyallup - September 11, 2014 9 AM to 10 PM and needs about 8-10 volunteers to open and close - each shift will be 2 hours.  There will be a free ticket to the fair and free parking. Email Linda - ldwilson@uw.edu if you can volunteer. The RCSW has been at the fair the last three years and it has been a fun event for all that have participated.  Last year we screened over 450 for COPD, we got to hang out with other RT’s, and we promoted our profession and knowledge.

Our goals this year are to plan at least one event in each RCSW chapter that promotes lung health and education to the general public.  We are asking volunteers to take the initiative!! This could be at a local Saturday market, a fair, or at a hospital. You could offer spirometry, how to use an inhaler, stop smoking advice, or just screen the general public for COPD.  Supplies can be ordered through the AARC.  Feel Free to email Linda - ldwilson@uw.edu to assist in the planning.