
RCSW Student Engagement Committee at the Great Strides Event

by Vince Longbucco at

Our volunteersOn Sunday, May 22nd, the RCSW Student Engagement Committee partnered with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and volunteered at the Great Strides Event, held at Seattle Center near the Pacific Science Center. Great Strides provides a great opportunity for people within the community to get involved in a great cause, to find a cure for cystic fibrosis!  

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43rd Annual Conference Great hit with Students

by John Lane Posey at 

The 43rd annual RCSW conference had a great turn out this year in Spokane, Washington, with over 400 attendees.  As a respiratory student, I was surprised to find such a large amount of knowledge and experience all packed under one roof.

A highlight for students was the student section on Tuesday. The way that Jennifer Armstrong ran the section worked well as she encouraged a lot of audience participation with the speakers.  For me, it was great to hear the perspective of respiratory care department managers on the interview process. The insight on commonly asked interview questions was very helpful.  As a student looking for a job, the interviews may be one of the most stressful situations that some of us may face in the hiring process. The experiences and knowledge shared with the students provided a good idea of what it is they need to work on.

RT Grads: This is How You Get from Application to Interview

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Student Meet and Greet Lots of Fun

by Linda Wilson, RCSW Puget Sound Chapter President, at

The Puget Sound Chapter and the Rainer Chapter teamed up to  host the first annul RCSW Meet and Greet

We want to thank Shannon Parker for getting this going and Vince Longbucco for getting folks signed up for the LUNG FORCE WALK and the CF WALK.

Great turnout and success!  We encouraged graduating students  to join the AARC to get a discount on rates. This is a special offer and is not offered on the AARC website.  Each student should get an email from the AARC with a link to join upon graduation or they can call customer service at 972-243-2272.

We had a few Karaoke songs, bowling and an informal talk about how to get your first RT JOB by Carl Hinkson and Jim Kumpula.


Scholarship Recipients Announced at the 43rd Annual RCSW State Conference

Join the RCSW in congratulating the recipients of the Respiratory Care Society of Washington Student Scholarships for 2016: Elizabeth Lewis, Jamie Freeman, Barbara Cox, Michael Ramirez, Kelsi Burkhart, Hal Ungerleider, Minsoo Kim, Jason Garcia, Camille Lowman, Toni Larson, Greg Carter, and Michele Pedicone

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RCSW PACT Report - on the Hill 2016

by Michele Pedicone at

AARC PACTs getting ready for Hill Day 2016Hill Day 2016 was a tremendous success. Your RCSW PAC (Political Advisory Contact) Team was well represented by Eric Anderson, Earl Moore and Michele Pedicone. Gary Wickman, recovering from surgery, was cheering us on from the home front. Our focus this year was H.R. 2948, The Medicare Telehealth Parity Act. Under this legislation, respiratory therapists would be recognized as providers of telehealth under Medicare. This bill is bi partisan and currently has 42 sponsors with 2 hailing from WA State, Derek Kilmer and Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

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RCSW is Seeking Candidates for Leadership Positions

The Respiratory Care Society of Washington needs your help! We are seeking AARC members to guide the direction of our state organization For 2016 and beyond. We are presently looking for nominees for the upcoming RCSW elections in the positions of:

  • President-elect
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Director at Large (2 positions) 
  •  Cascade Chapter President 
  • Central Chapter President
  • Eastern Chapter President
  • Puget Sound Chapter President 
  • Rainier Chapter President

The duties of the positions are outlined in the 2016 RCSW Elections Candidates Guide.   

To nominate someone (or yourself), please use the online nomination form


RCSW Student Meet and Greet April 28th


Help the RCSW Get the Message Out

Once again it is time for the Respiratory Care Society of Washington (RCSW) and the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) to focus our lobbying strength on our elected officials in Washington D.C.  As you may or may not be aware, this is our opportunity to make our voices heard LOUDLY in support of our profession, and improving patient care nationwide.  Please participate in AARC virtual lobby week and show your support of the Medicare Telehealth Parity Act, also known as H.R. 2948.

- Read the Text of the Bill 
- H.R. 2948, the Medicare Telehealth Parity Act FAQs

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National Volunteer Week April 10-16, 2016

National Volunteer Week is about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out imaginative ways to engage in their communities.  The RCSW would like to take this opportunity to thank all those members who volunteer to help us in various capacities every year and to encourage others to join in.

If you are interested in expanding your involvement in the respiratory care profession, the RCSW is always looking for more help to promote lung health and raise awareness of respiratory therapists and the RCSW

Here are just a few examples:

  • Take on leadership roles.
  • Serve on committees.
  • Work special events (RCSW Annual Conference, Chapter Events/Conferences, state fair, health fairs)

For more information on how you can help, contact your Chapter President or look for future information on, the RCSW on Facebook , the RCSW on Twitter, or the RCSW on LinkedIn


Thank You to the 2016 RCSW Conference Sponsors

Without our sponsors we would not be celebrating our 43rd year of providing this conference. The RCSW would to like to express our sincere gratitude to this year’s Sponsors. 

Sunday, April 17th General Session Speaker Sponsors


Sunday, April 17th Pulmonary Diagnostic Session

Look for the RCSW Diagnostic Section Sponsor’s banners in the exhibit hall and stop by and thank them personally.

Monday, April 18th General Session Speaker Sponsors


Monday, April 18th Perinatal/Pediatric Session Speaker Sponsors


Tuesday, April 19th General Session Speaker Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors providing educational grants


Thank you to our Coffee Break Sponsors



Don't forget to stop by the Exhibit hall during the conference