Help the RCSW Get the Message Out
Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 1:31PM
RCSW Webmaster in Advocacy, PACT, RCSW

Once again it is time for the Respiratory Care Society of Washington (RCSW) and the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) to focus our lobbying strength on our elected officials in Washington D.C.  As you may or may not be aware, this is our opportunity to make our voices heard LOUDLY in support of our profession, and improving patient care nationwide.  Please participate in AARC virtual lobby week and show your support of the Medicare Telehealth Parity Act, also known as H.R. 2948.

- Read the Text of the Bill 
- H.R. 2948, the Medicare Telehealth Parity Act FAQs

This legislation is very important for our patients and for our profession. By providing reimbursement for telemedicine functions and services, our Respiratory Care Services and expertise can be delivered to those in need through remote patient monitoring and training for patients with COPD. This proposed legislation also redefines Respiratory Therapists from a Medicare designation of "technician" to the designation of "professional" This subtle change in definitions changes our status for reimbursement of services and opens many doors for our profession. Now is the time for Respiratory Therapists to be recognized and reimbursed by Medicare in the same way that nursing and other professions are. However, this will only happen if we speak LOUDLY, and with a unified voice to support H.R. 2948.

Please take a moment and be heard by sending a letter of support for H.R. 2948. By using the AARC Capitol Connection and sending your letter, you will be speaking LOUDLY for the future of your profession. Also, please encourage your colleagues, patients, families and friends to do the same.

Michele Pedicone, Eric Anderson, Earl Moore and Gary Wickman
RCSW Political Advocacy Contact Team

The Political Advocacy Contact Team are individuals that have been appointed by their state respiratory therapy societies to be the key contacts for lobbying federal and state legislative issues.


Article originally appeared on rcsw (
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