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House of Delegates Meeting was Great Student Experience

Carl Hinkson, Melinda Altena, and Greg Carter

Melinda Altena, Student - Being a student guest at the House of Delegates meeting was an awesome experience. It was an inside view of how the AARC operates. The Delegates are voted into these positions by their fellow therapists in their respective state and are a voice for those members of the AARC. The topics discussed and the policies decided on are brought back by the Delegates to their state. Everyone comes with the common goal at the HOD meeting to keep the field of Respiratory Care growing. 

The HOD meeting spanned two days. The two days consisted of going over different resolutions and having open floor time for people to bring up topics to discuss. These open mic times were very interesting because you get to hear what is being done in different states. There are also different committees within the HOD that each delegate chooses to participate in. Another portion of the meeting was recognizing different therapists across the country for Best Practice awards. It showcased what therapists were doing above and beyond to improve the field of Respiratory Care.  As a student at the HOD meeting, I felt very welcomed. I sat with the Washington State Delegates along with a student from Arizona. The Washington Delegates were very helpful in explaining the different proceedings during the meeting and answering any questions I had. It was emphasized we are the future for the profession and the AARC wants to hear what we feel are important issues and topics. Time was taken to gather all the students together to ask questions and get an idea of the impact this experience had on us and what the AARC could do to keep students involved. From this experience I left with more excitement for the profession I am entering and would recommend going to the House of Delegates meeting to any student.  

Melinda Altena will graduate from Highline College in June, 2015.  She was a student guest at the AARC House of Delegates meeting after being selected to the AARC/HOD Student Mentorship Program. Congratulations Melinda – You represented your state very well and you make us proud!!                                                         

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