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RCSW Rocked the Lung Force Walk 

By Linda Wilson
RCSW Puget Sound Chapter President



The Respiratory Care Society of Washington teamed up with fellow Respiratory therapists, UW Medicine Pulmonologists, Respiratory students and children at the Lung Force Walk May 9th at Denny Park in South Lake Union.

We had an absolutely great day for this special event, warm sunshine and fellow colleagues walking together for a great cause. It was very inspirational to hear firsthand from lung cancer survivors how difficult the journey is and that love of friends and family really does help but what is really needed is early detection and better treatment. There is a perception that only smokers will get lung disease but many new lung cancer patients have never smoked.

May the Lung Force be with you! Mark your calendar for next year and if you still want to donate go to RCSW website and donate today, fundraising efforts are open until May 31, 2015.

A short note from the ALAW of the Mountain Pacific.

LUNG FORCE Walk - Seattle benefits the mission of the American Lung Association of the Mountain Pacific, to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through education, research, and advocacy. More than a Walk, LUNG FORCE is a national movement to turn the tide on lung cancer, the #1 cancer killer of both women and men.

The LUNG FORCE Walk is like no other charity walk. With inspiring song and music, we will celebrate the collective power of our breath. Our voices will soar as we rally our friends, neighbors and colleagues to raise our voices against lung cancer—and for lung health for everyone.