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Share Your Respiratory Care Week Photos and Stories with the RCSW

Respiratory Care Week is October 22-28 this year and the RCSW is curious about what everyone is doing to celebrate. 

The RCSW would like to invite you to share your stories and pictures that show how your team celebrated and raised awareness in your community. Stories collected will be posted on the RCSW Facebook page, the RCSW Twitter feed, and might even be included in a story here at RCSW.org. 

To share photos and a short summary (sentence or two), feel free to post at the RCSW Facebook page (please review the Social Media Code of Conduct).  Feel free to use the #RCWeek17 to brand any messages! 

For a more detailed account with more photos, please review the content contributer guidelines and complete the online copyright release form provided there, and email the story/photos to technology.officer@rcsw.online.

We look forward to hearing from all of you and Happy Respiratory Care Week!!

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