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AARC Invites Students to Attend House of Delegates Meeting 

American Association for Respiratory Care House of Delegates Student Mentorship Program Winter 2015


The fall is a busy time for students as you are settling in to a new schedule of classes and clinical practice, but I wanted to bring to your attention an exciting opportunity. This November 7-10, 2015 the AARC is hosting its International Congress Meeting at the Tampa Convention Center, 333 South Franklin Street, Tampa, Florida. The House of Delegates would like to invite you to a unique opportunity to participate and experience the inner workings of your professional organization by attending the House of Delegates Meeting on November 5th and/or 6th before the International Congress. We are hoping to ignite a spark that becomes a lifelong passion for the AARC and the profession of Respiratory Care. The House of Delegates encourages all students who are interested to apply for the program and participate and experience the inner workings of your professional organization.

The House of Delegates is comprised of elected representatives from all 50 states and Puerto Rico. They are an advisory group to the AARC.

What have other students, who have participated in the experience said?  "This experience has been great! I learned so much about what goes on ‘behind the scenes’.  This has sparked an interested in the future for me." "This was a wonderful experience. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity. It is good to know that voices and concerns are addressed." "I ABSOLUTELY enjoyed my time here. I learned so much today. One day I would like to become a delegate, so I can make a difference with this profession."

Attached is the HOD Student Mentoring Application that must be completed and returned by September 21st.  

There is a small stipend available for AARC members and this is the only financial assistance available at this time to assist you with the cost of your food and/or gas. You might want to contact your state society to see if they offer a student-mentoring program or any financial assistance to attend the House of Delegates Meeting.

If you have any questions about the application or the process, please contact the Student Mentoring Co-Chairs Kerry McNiven at 860-512-2716  (860-651-5764 before August 31) or e mail her at kmcniven@manchestercc.edu or Dana Evans at 314-610-0124 or e mail her at danaevansrrt@gmail.com


The Student Mentoring Committee of the House of Delegates