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Puget Sound Chapter News

2015 is the year to join or renew your AARC membership! Does your hospital pay for your membership? The cost of membership is less than $80.00 per year and includes free CEU’s!

Puget Sound Chapter event planning is in the works for this year:

  • We are planning on participating in the American Lung Association Lung Force Walk on May 9, 2015. For more information, please visit the website and contact Linda Wilson if you want to join our team for the walk. TEAM RT Rocks! 
  • We are planning a social gathering of some type…maybe a brewpub crawl or a Sounder's game at the end of June. 
  • We would like to provide Peak Performance and Asthma education to our local schools.  
  • We are currently considering creating Asthma Educator / Pulmonary Diagnostics (RPFT) exam study groups for those wanting to take these exams. 

We need some volunteers to accomplish these goals!  If you are interested in participating or volunteering please contact Linda Wilson. If you have other ideas for things you would like to see our chapter do, please feel free to reach out to her.