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RCSW Goals for 2015

Respiratory Care Society of Washington Goals for 2015

  • Earl Moore, RCSW PresidentContinue to refine and strengthen our action plans that support our 3 core strategies advocacy, education and funding 
    •  Goals that pertain to the core strategy of Advocacy include:
      • Continue our work with the Washington State Department of health 
      • Support and promote awareness to all regarding COPD and other Respiratory issues (PACT)
    • Goals that pertain to the core strategy of Education. 
      • Increase public awareness of Respiratory Care in the State of Washington 
      • Support and Develop Advanced Degree options for Washington State Respiratory Care Practitioners 
      • Continue to provide a strong regional conference to help educate and strengthen the profession 
    •  Goals that pertain to the core strategy of Funding include 
      • Increase our membership to 75% 
      • Continue to develop and explore alternate revenue opportunities 
    • Goals for the Board of Directors 
      • Continue to work on a Policy and Procedure Manual for the RCSW 
      • Increase committee activities between quarterly meetings 
      • To have our board meetings sit down face to face 
    •  Goals for RCSW Chapters 
      •  Each Chapter will attempt to provide at least 4 CRCEs 
      • Each Chapter will host at least 1 social event during the year

Earl Moore, RCSW President