Has your institution, department, you, or a coworker effected a noteworthy accomplishment to the betterment of the respiratory professional community or to the public?  Sponsored a conference or event? Went above and beyond professionally?  Here's your chance to share with the respiratory community.  We would like to hear about the great things the respiratory professionals in our state are doing. Be a content contributer to RCSW.org and the RCSW Newsleter and tell us about it!

Email us with your story and pictures and you may just see it here at RCSW.org, in the RCSW Newsletter, or on the RCSW Facebook page.

now, the legal stuff ...

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.  Prior to using any content submitted to us, you must complete a free copyright license form, digitally sign it (see "How to set up a Digital ID Signiture with Adobe Reader") and email it to us.

Photographs submitted may be displayed on the Respiratory Care Society of Washington's website (rcsw.org, www.rcsw.org) or on social networks (such as Facebook or Twitter). Subjects within the photographs may include healthcare providers, but subjects must give you consent to use their image in your photograph. Photographs containing patients (or their families) will not be used.

Articles related to the promotion or advertisement of products will not be used.